Friday, June 18, 2010

8 Months:

Let me tell you a story of a little boy...

One day, he decided to wake up at 12 MN, standing at his cot, waving happily and "talking" to catch mummy and daddy's attention.

Daddy scooped him up and proceed to the routine patting to get him back to la la land, but after one hour, it was all in vain. Fed up, daddy left him in the cot and went to bathe.

The little boy decided he was lonely, and wanted mummy to join in the fun. And he started to shout to grab mummy's attention. Mummy who was awaken, pleaded with him to sleep but in vain.

By then, daddy has given up making him sleep and went to bed instead while mummy took on the task to make baby sleep. It was 2 AM, and there was no signs of tiredness. Mummy put the little boy on the floor hoping he would tire himself out, but the little bub continued with his exploration activities. Biting the electrical cable, ransacking the toiletries drawers, pull mummy's hair, fight for mummy's iphone. Mummy spanked the boy and he wailed for 2 seconds. Apaprently, his elephant hide butt did not feel the pain. Finally, seeing that it was not working out, mummy decided to just throw the little boy back into his cot and off the lights.

It was silent. For a good whole minute before he realized it wasn't a game. Mummy was not going to play with him anymore. So back to square 1, little Andre stood at the corner of his cot, and hollered for his parent's attention. It started softly, crescendoing to a shout.

mamaaaa maa maamm baabaaa bbaaa MAAAA MAAA MAMMMM BABBB BABBBBB!!!!!!!

We ignored him. In fact, daddy who was awaken found it so amusing that he started chuckling. It was those bitter laughter, ie we really didn't know what to do.

And the little boy went overboard. Choking himself in his speech, coughing away and the next thing we knew, the baby threw up all over himself and his cot!!! (Mind you, his last feed was like 2 hours ago, he shouldn't be thowing up)

No choice. We had to dragged ourselves up. Poor adults tortured at this uncivilised hour by a very assertive bub. Cleaned up the baby, wiped the floor, changed the sheet.

Extremely satisfied for making his parents work so hard, little bub decided he's tired already. It was almost 4 in the morning, before he finally settled down and go to bed.

I pray hard, no such nonsense tonight please.

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