Tuesday, April 27, 2010

6 Months: Updates

Time Flies. Before i even realized it, it has been 3 weeks since i last updated this blog. And many things has changed. I really need to back post what i missed.

Andre has learnt to stand by himself :0 pretty astounding for a 6 month.

He's also getting more aware of his surroundings and to strangers. On Saturday, we were at Adel's place for Victoria's 1st birthday party. Although he allowed 99% of the people to carry him, he was pretty wary when daddy and mummy disappeared from sight. I thought he would be so used to having people around, with all his little cousins surrounding him, but the little boy clinged onto me tightly that evening. I put him on the floor to crawl, he was wary and kept coming back to me. It didn't help when little Vic clawed him across the face. Can see that he's on the verge of crying, just that he was REN-ning.. There was this monkey balloon. Typically, Andre will not hesitate to grab and put in his mouth. But that evening, he just stared. I took monkey and made cukooing noises. Andre found it funny and started to chuckle. Slowly, Andre warmed up and started playing with the monkey. Even Kevin also noticed the personality change, and we try to encourage him to socialise a bit more. He's really unlike the usual KINGLY behaviour he displays at home, screeching and grinning widely for our attention. Well, wary to strangers is also a development milestone. It typically happens to 90% of the babies at 10 months. Again, our son has developed faster than others.

This morning, after bath, there was some time before we need to leave for work. I left Andre on the floor. Gave him a chance to explore besides the perimeters of his cot. He crawled an inch, turned back and look at mama, watching my facial expression and if i'm still around. Then he crawled another inch and repeated the same thing. He did this a few more times before he finally reached his initial target, the socks drawer. Ah ... what an interesting playbox. Slowly, he pulled out sock by sock, examining each one like a curious explorer. Mummy is so glad that Andre is starting to find his way around. I am sooo proud of my son.

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