Trial class was $38 at 11.30 am at Bukit Batok. With a 45 mins nap, and a full tummy with one bowl of porridge, Andre was all geared up to go to school. It was a class of 5, with babies ranging from around 5-1/2 months to 9 months. Boy! some kids really do start early.
The class consisted of 30 minutes of flash cards. The theme for today is Music. So we did musical composers (flashed pictures of Johanns Sebastian Bach, Mozart etc. mind you, they were pronounced in full names), musical instruments (some of the ones i didn't even know exist), and they were done in both english and chinese. Very impressive, but seriously, i don't know how beneficial it is to the baby. According to the instructor, babies process information much faster than adults, and so the cards must be flashed in less than 6 seconds, otherwise their attention will wander. Maybe its true, cos Andre stared fascinated at the cards for a while, or maybe because the instructor sounded so energetic and perky.
After this is the right brain simulation where the instructor showed some pictures of slight differences and asked Andre to point to one. We played musical instruments where Andre shook some bells and rattles. There was also the 5 motor skills, where i have to help Andre scoop some balls from one bowl to another. Andre pay attention for a long time and was happy and attempted to crawl all over the classroom. I had to restrain him by holding on the back of his T-shirt. I guess his favorite part was when i have to swing him in 3 huge circles. This boy loves thrill rides.
Next was the gym. There was a little ramp for Andre to practice his crawling. Andre's not very good with slopes though and needed more pushing and motivation. Maybe i should make a little ramp for him at home. Even when daddy threw in the I-phone, it didn't spur him on. Andre was allowed to hang unsupported at the monkey bars for 10 seconds while the teacher clamp around his fingers. WHOA! That's very impressive. I think Andre's astonished as well. Next he was swung from bar to bar on the monkey bar. That's a little too much for him to bear and started to protest by the time we hit the last bar. Last gym activity was to put Andre on a gym ball while the instructor rotated him around. By right he was supposed to catch an item as he comes close to the floor, but as it is Andre's first lesson, the teacher says to take things easy.
The lesson concluded with a musical piece, Vivaldi, Four Seasons Autumn. By then, 4 of the babies are knocked out already and their parents hurriedly made milk. Little Jayden, 5-1/2 months, was asleep by the time the music ended. While mummy stayed behind to listen to a little sales talk, I've decided to hang on signing on with the school until i tried a few more schools. Lessons are not cheap you know. Andre was asleep on Aunty Jann's shoulder's by the time i got out. I think the school has been fun. There is a combination of not only brain exercises but also gym play as well. But well, until we have something to compare, we never know.
The school does not allow photo taking, but we managed a picture with Aunty Jann.

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