Andre was good in the morning, but after 3 pm, he was so difficult to put to sleep. Somehow Andre only likes Daddy to 'pok pok' him to sleep. When daddy takes over, it only takes 5 mins. When mummy does it, it takes hours... And it has been like this for at least 2 weeks.
At 10 weeks, Andre has already started sleeping through the night, or at most waking up once. He'll sleep at 8 -9 pm, and it can last him till 4-5 am (I considered myself very lucky cos i get to sleep 6-7 hours at a stretch, sometimes even 8 hours!). There was once he slept at 10pm after an outing, and snoozed all the way till next morning. I did not delibrately train him, but somehow he just fell into this pattern. (I hope i will not jinx this pattern with this post).
Andre's been a great child so far. He does not really fuss unless he is really uncomfortable. When he's full, with clean diapers, and had a good sleep (at least a 1-1/2 hour nap), he's more than happy to either lie on the bouncer of sofa to grin and chuckle away for up to an hour. He's 'talking' so much more as well. Sometimes, i feel like i'm really haveing a conversation with him! When he's cranky, some carrying or playing peek-a-boo will normally calm him. Nowadays Andre's smiling so often, my heart can melt many times a day :)
He's like a litte adult nowadays. This evening he was wailing a bit (i know he's tired cos he hadn't had a good sleep since 3 pm). Daddy was giving him a wipe down, and sternly told him. " If you cry any more, daddy is going to be angry".Uncannily, he pursed his lips and stopped immediately. Seeems like he understood. Daddy was so touched that Andre got extra hugs after.
So this is our little boy at 10 weeks. Apple of everyone's eyes.
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