6 am: Baby woke up to feed after 10 hours of marathon sleeping
6.30-7.30 am: Snuggle in bed with daddy and mummy.
7.30am: Daddy shocked to hear i did not change diaper at the 6 am feed making it 12 hours in the same diaper. Arrange for bath at lightning speed
8.45am:Daddy left for work
8.45 am-9.15am: Baby continued playing until 9.15am when he knocked off. Mummy put him to sleep on tummy. I know a lot of PDs and baby books do not advocate on tummy sleeping. But i find that it makes him sleep so much longer as his uncontrollable waving arms do not jerk him up. So i make sure i run into the room every 5 mins to make sure his nose is not covered.
9.15am-10:30am: swept the floor, mop the floor, prepare the food for tonight's dinner (cook rice, cut vege, defrost meat), wash up the breakfast items, clean up the living room. I need to keep this statement in in mind for the pefectionist me "Keep the house clean and tidy, not spotless"
10.30 am: Thank God baby is still cooperative so i have some time to come in to blog. I really need to fill up the past events before my post pregnancy bird brain starts to lose all these precious memories and events.
11.00 am: Baby woke up. Fed and changed. Load baby into pram to go Cold Storage to buy tonight's dinner ingrediants. Dropped by Macs to get lunch
12.00pm to 3.30 pm: Played on Sofa. Mummy tried to pet baby to sleep but in vain. Probably baby had 15 mins of power nap on the pram.
3.30-4.00 pm: Baby power nap till 4. &^$&&*#$... only 1/2 hour
5.30-6.15pm: Determined to make Andre sleep, cos i need to cook dinner. Attempted to put him down 3 times before i succeeded! Baby slept till 7 pm. I guess this can be considered a 1-1/2 hrs nap bah, though i was caring him for 45 mins (my mum will shake her head when she hears this). Cooked dinner.

8.00pm: Wipe down the baby, give him the last feed of the day... Andre was so sleepy that his eyes were half closed.
9.00pm: Baby officially finally fell asleep all the way till 6 am the next day.

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