It has been over 8-9 days since Andre last pooed. Over the weekend, Andre has also developed a stuffed nose, slight cough and isn't sleeping too well at nights. His feedings has also diminished. In the morning, we decided to bring Andre to Dr Ong instead of a GP.
Dr Ong was shocked to hear that Andre has not pooed for so long, and chided us that 5 days is the max before we should consult a doctor. Reason being, the stools would have hardened making it even harder to poo overtime. Poo is after all toxin and shouldn't be kept in the body for too long. There might be so much poo that there is no space for new food. Perhaps that is the reason why Andre falls sick. A suppository was inserted, cough mixture given, nasal drops as well.
An hour after consultation at po po's place, Andre started to poo a lot! I couldn't be happier and squealed in delight. The system's finally cleared. 2 hours later, the 2nd batch of poo came out. You will not understand the delight unless your're a parent yourself. Priceless...
At early afternoon, Andre started to feel feverish. A check on the thermometer says 37.2. In the evening temperature rose to 37.7 and we gave him panadol. The poor boy was screaming for his dear life. Shortly after the medicine, he threw up all over on daddy and himself. The poor boy could hardly feed yesterday too. Everytime he latches on, after about 2-3 minutes, he'll stop and gasp for air. His nasal passage is pretty block.
We decided not to on the air-con tonight for fear that it will block his nose further. He does seems better after applying the nose drops. The medicine took an obvious effect. Andre slept through the night from 9 pm till 6 am. Meanwhile, mummy woke up a couple of times to feel his forehead. At 6 am, he seems a happy little boy again and latched on for 15 mins. His breathing is still kinda husky so we need to continue monitoring.
A couple of sidenotes:
Water. Damn those breastfeeding articles that baby do not require water all the way until 6 months. This is Singapore. Singapore is hot. Baby sweats a lot. He needs at least 1-2 oz of water daily otherwise he'll be constipated. Dr Ong asked us to give water no matter what. Force if required.
Air-con. This is the 1st night Andre slept through the night without air-con and he did pretty well. In fact, daddy and mummy also slept better. This made me realize a point, babies are tougher creatures than we thought they are. If babies become addicted to air-con, or yao lan or watsoever, it is also 人为. Don't assume that your baby does not like some stuff (because you don't), then you don't let him try. You'll be surprised, they may be less spoilt than you think they are.
Dr Ong was shocked to hear that Andre has not pooed for so long, and chided us that 5 days is the max before we should consult a doctor. Reason being, the stools would have hardened making it even harder to poo overtime. Poo is after all toxin and shouldn't be kept in the body for too long. There might be so much poo that there is no space for new food. Perhaps that is the reason why Andre falls sick. A suppository was inserted, cough mixture given, nasal drops as well.
An hour after consultation at po po's place, Andre started to poo a lot! I couldn't be happier and squealed in delight. The system's finally cleared. 2 hours later, the 2nd batch of poo came out. You will not understand the delight unless your're a parent yourself. Priceless...
At early afternoon, Andre started to feel feverish. A check on the thermometer says 37.2. In the evening temperature rose to 37.7 and we gave him panadol. The poor boy was screaming for his dear life. Shortly after the medicine, he threw up all over on daddy and himself. The poor boy could hardly feed yesterday too. Everytime he latches on, after about 2-3 minutes, he'll stop and gasp for air. His nasal passage is pretty block.
We decided not to on the air-con tonight for fear that it will block his nose further. He does seems better after applying the nose drops. The medicine took an obvious effect. Andre slept through the night from 9 pm till 6 am. Meanwhile, mummy woke up a couple of times to feel his forehead. At 6 am, he seems a happy little boy again and latched on for 15 mins. His breathing is still kinda husky so we need to continue monitoring.
A couple of sidenotes:
Water. Damn those breastfeeding articles that baby do not require water all the way until 6 months. This is Singapore. Singapore is hot. Baby sweats a lot. He needs at least 1-2 oz of water daily otherwise he'll be constipated. Dr Ong asked us to give water no matter what. Force if required.
Air-con. This is the 1st night Andre slept through the night without air-con and he did pretty well. In fact, daddy and mummy also slept better. This made me realize a point, babies are tougher creatures than we thought they are. If babies become addicted to air-con, or yao lan or watsoever, it is also 人为. Don't assume that your baby does not like some stuff (because you don't), then you don't let him try. You'll be surprised, they may be less spoilt than you think they are.
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