Friday, October 21, 2011

1 month: Oops

Aiden has proven to be quite a character. He's generally pretty good. Give him his milk, his nap, change his diaper, he's really an angel. Feed well, sleep well and grow well. But the moment he wants his nap or food, u gotta give him immediately. While Andre has a mild temperament, Aiden cries with a deep, strong consistent wail, increasing in frequency and pitch by the min. Really like one of those alarm clocks that goes louder even if ignored for a second.

Poor dad is kinda distressed. Aiden was looking all angelic sleeping in my arms. Dad planted a kiss. Aiden decides he does not like it, screwed up his face and started wailing non-stop. Haiz.. This little guy has personality. Looks like only mummy can coax him at the moment.

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Tuesday, October 18, 2011

24 months: root cause of earache

Andre's ear ache is diagnosed to be a result of his prolonged cold and cough...

Phew.. Means yuli did not rough handled him.

Phew...Means it's not a result of his jealously to his little brother (that's really my good natured boy)

But the earache :( hope will not affect his hearing..( but should be ok cos dr Chang lilian checked n did not see anything.

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Monday, October 17, 2011

1 month: tiny fingers

Daddy gave Aiden his first manicure yesterday at full month!

Such lovely fingers.. Pls don't grow up too fast son...

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24 months.. Real or Fake?

Haiz.. Yesterday andre wanted to climb the cot to see his didi. The father asked him not to disturb and so the helper carried him away. Next thing he burst into tears shouting "pain! Pain!" holding his jaw.

I hugged and carried him for a while as he sobbed away. Now, was that episode out of jealousy or was the helper too rough that he twisted the neck? It was hard to determine at that point of time.

By evening, he was ok with occasional yelps of pain. This morning after bath, he was still clinging to his neck, visibly upset and in pain. Now, this is serious...I think he must have twisted his neck. And I feel super bad for thinking it's a tantrum episode.

Kevin has brought andre to the doctor. Hope all is well. My poor son.. :(

And it left me with serious doubt. Can I trust my newborn with the maid?

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Sunday, October 16, 2011

1 month : shaving of head

Aiden shaved his head today. I feel he's more handsome now without the patches of the 胎毛. Super good boy,he did not even cry at all, unlike his kor kor.

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1 Month: Adik sleeps without air con

Didi slept without air con for the first time. Hope the weather stays as cool cos I think it's better for his nose. He slept a record of 4 plus hours too.. From 9 pm all the way to 1.15 am. Keep it up!

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1 month and 24 months: visit to the pd

Andre went for his last immunization jab before going to school. He weighs 11.4 kg and is 87 cm in height. Still petite at 25th percentile. Strange thing was, the moment he saw dr ong, he became inconsolable. Wailing, screaming and crying thru out the consultation. Yuli said maybe because dr ong is fat and has a stern face. I think he's scared thinking it's another psychological assessment.

Aiden weighs 5.045 kg and is 56.5 cm long. Dr commented that he is like a 2 month old baby. No wonder mummy does not seem to have enough milk. But things should slow down. Dr also confirmed that the marks on left leg are birth marks. That's interesting cos they travel a line.

In all, both kids are healthy. Praise God! Mummy love you all so much.

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